In order to create your company on the NxtPort platform, you will first have to create a user account. How to do this is explained in the " Create an account on the NxtPort platform".
Note: The first person creating an account and register the company, will by default become the company administrator. This role can later be assigned to another user in the company in MyPortal.
- Go the the following URL :
- Enter your registered Email address and Password and click on "Sign in".
- For security reason, we use a mandatory multifactor authentication (MFA) validation. In order to obtain the second key for sign in, click on "Send verification code".
- Open your Email box and you will your validation code in an Email from Microsoft on behalf of NxtPort International. (Please check your SPAM folder when the e-mail doesn't pop-up in your mailbox after a few minutes).
- Copy the 6-digit code from the e-mail and paste it in the foreseen box in our login screen. Click on "Verify code", to go to the next step
- Once you have submitted your verification code, a confirmation will be displayed and by clicking on " Continue" you will be loading MyPortal.
Now it is time to create your company.
You will notice you dashboard is pretty empty for now, but don't worry once you subscribe to communities and products it will fill up quite quickly.
- Click on "my Company" and you will be able to register a new company.
- Complete the details for your company and complete your onboarding with clicking on "Request Company registration"
- Your request will now be validated by the platform administrator and show "pending company registration" until your request is approved. You will be receiving an Email confirming your company registration.
Now this is done, you will be able to request subscriptions for different communities and products in the community marketplace. For more on this, please see our articles on :